Hello community. I’m a UK collector. Thought I would show my collection here. https://youtu.be/D6Qg5_gam74?si=Nm5S8iYSJ3UNDvqm
Currently have 5 complete sets:
Master System
Mega CD
N64 Cartridge Set
One game away from completing Game Gear also.
My Mega CD is my most complete set, slowly adding the Spinecard but got most of the European variants now also and all the Demo discs released including the two Trade Demos.
Also got many different sega console variants too.
16 Me gusta
Ostras pedazo colección! Enhorabuena! Quen pillara un par de estantes…
4 Me gusta
Awesome!! Congratulations 
3 Me gusta
Epic stuff!!! Congrats! Just for info, what Gamegear game are you looking for?
3 Me gusta
That´s a game room! Really nice to watch it, thanks for sharing.
3 Me gusta
The last GG I’m after is power drive
4 Me gusta
Only 5 full sets? Well, I guess we can make an exception and welcome you to the community 
Really nice one, congrats mate!
3 Me gusta
Alright! I’ll tell you if I see it! 
3 Me gusta
The video is amazing, what a big collection mate 
2 Me gusta
Subiendo: IMG_20240815_100749.jpg…
A nice hard to find sealed mega cd added to collection. Slowly working towards completing all euro variants with spines. Think just Jurassic park ones left if anyone has a seena. French or Spanish Jurassic sealed let me know :). Can’t think of anyone out there with a more complete mega cd collection then mine…
2 Me gusta
And to clean all that? 
What I say to console myself for not being able to have that incredible collection xD
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Yeah it takes me a long time to clean it all thankfully most is in box protection
4 Me gusta
I said it jokingly about cleaning xD, it’s a typical comment from a mother.
Hello anyone able to help me. I’m looking for the spine cards for Syndicate, Theme park and Dungeon Explorer. I’m not 100% these exist only ever seen one photo of each. But if anyone at all can help me I’d be very grateful.
Also Interested in anything else mega cd related such as euro Jurassic Variants with spines (Need French and Spanish)
Thank you all 
1 me gusta
Thank you. Yes been a real labour of love. I’m onto gameboy now too haha
2 Me gusta
Thank you. Have to do another video soon added loads since I did the video.
1 me gusta
Nice collection jono, seems we both seek the same spinecards lol
1 me gusta
I thought it was a duplicate account when I first saw his post lol
1 me gusta
No duplicate here. Mines a bigger collection.